Abstracts and proceedings information

The international organizing committee invites the submission of contributed papers covering original unpublished work in the main topics listed above before March 31, 2018.
Your abstract text up to one page (font size - 12; type - Times New Roman; usual style) should include the following:

1. Abstract title
2. Author listing, name of organization
3. Correspondence: mailing address, phone, e-mail address
4. Presentation. Indicate your preference for «Oral Presentation» or «Poster Presentation»
5. The topic area number from the list above

The paper should be done in the MS Word Processor and should be sent on e-mail address of organizing committee.

Proceedings information

Reports of the Conference are planned to be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference series, indexed in Scopus. Publication is possible only with full participation in the conference and positive review. Articles are accepted until September 1, 2018.

Reports should be prepared according to the rules indicated on the journal's website http://conferenceseries.iop.org/content/authors  in the form of articles in English in the volume of 7-10 pages. Articles in the original format (doc), as well as in the form of pdf-file with the name containing the name of the speaker (for example, Ivanov.I.I._paper.pdf) should be sent to e.pozdeeva@ltc.ru before September 1, 2018.

By sending to the organizers of the conference, the authors of the articles agree with the condition of the License for publication.

To view the License for publication, please visit:
