The widespread use of new generation materials in modern industry such as transport engineering, automotive, shipbuilding, aviation and aerospace, oil and gas industry raises the task of developing innovative welding, related technologies and equipment for their implementation. At the ILWT developed and applied technology of laser welding of stainless steels, laser welding of aluminum, titanium alloys and dissimilar materials, laser welding of plastics, hybrid laser -arc welding, surfacing, cutting.
Laser welding of stainless steels
The ILWT developed a special system of gas protection for welding of heavily alloyed steels with a thickness of 0.4 - 15mm.
The Institute has developed a mathematical model to determine the technological parameters of welding in different positions, which has been experimentally verified.The developed model of weld formation process during the laser welding is an efficient tool for the analysis of non-stationary processes, and may reasonably be used for choosing of stable technological parameters for welding of stainless steels.
Laser welding of aluminum, titanium alloys and dissimilar marerials
Technological bases of welding dissimilar materials using highly concentrated energy sources have been created. A mathematical model has been improved for the prediction of the structure of the weld in the welding of dissimilar materials. Technological parameters for the laser welding of qualitative joints have been developed for systems of Al-Fe, Cu-Fe,
Ti-Fe. Comprehensive research of phase and structural states include as standard methods (optical metallography), as research methods of ultra-small structural elements (high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) were performed for each system.
The main feature is the creation of scientific and technological knowledge base in the field of welding of dissimilar materials. The technology of obtaining high-quality welded joints and complex of methods to establish the basic properties of the compound and establish consistent pattern between structure and properties of welded joints are designed.